3/11/22 Friday 100th Action Against The Nukes On The 11th Anniversary of Fukushima No NUKES, No WAR, US Military Out Of Japan & Okinawa Rally At San Francisco Japanese Consulate Friday March 11, 2022 3:00 PM San Francisco Japanese Consulate 275 Battery St/California St. San Francisco Sponsored by No Nukes Action Join the Rally and Speak Out/Music/Poetry/Voices On the 11th anniversary of the Fukusihma nuclear explosions, the government has still not removed the melted nuclear rods at the broken plants. There has been no decontamination and TEPCO which has been taken over by the government is planninng to release more than 1 million tons of radiocative water In tanks surrounding the reactors. The government continues to pressurize the refugees who left the area to return despite the fact that it still remains contaminated and dangerous. There are still tens of thousands of bags of radioactive waste that continue to remain throughout the prefecture with no place to go. On this 11tth anniversary the Japanese government along with the US government are spending billions for preparation of war and a clear violation of Article 9 of the Constitution which forbids offensive wars and yet this is what the governnment is now violating. The US with the support of the Japanese government is continuing to build bases in Okinawa and terrorizing the poplulation with jet and helicopter noise pollution, spread of covid by US military personel and rapes and attacks on Okinawan people. WE demand that there be no restarting of nuclear plants in Japan, full compensation for the refugees and for government officials to be held accounntable for this dangerous condition still facing the Japanese people and the world. Speak-out In Stop The Restarting Of The Nuke Plants Defend The Refugees of Fukushima Don’t Dump The Radioactive Water In The Pacific Ocean No NUKES, No WAR, US Military Out Of Japan & Okinawa Friday March 11, 2022 3PM San Francisco Japanese Consulate 275 Battery St/California St. San Francisco No Nukes Action http://nonukesaction.wordpress.com/ Evening On Line Event 3/11/22 Mothers For Peace March 11, 2022, marks the 11th anniversary of the Fukushima disaster. Join our webinar on March 11, 6-7pm PST Fukushima: 11 years after the triple meltdown Our featured speaker is Japanese journalist Hiroko Aihara who will be speaking on the current state of the Fukushima evacuees, the government’s plan to release irradiated water into the ocean, and what actions we can take. Please register in advance for this event: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcudequqz0oGdNnRbckyKXrAM4mu PQqioCt After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.